Parent & Family
Historically, Onondaga County’s early childhood system has designed and delivered services and supports in a top-down manner that does not take into account the realities parents and families face or the varied struggles they experience. The ECA understands that parents are the experts on their children and that co-designing these services and supports with parents is the key to ensuring their success. Parents should not only be part of defining the problem, they should be part of developing the solution.
The ECA is working hand-in-hand with parents to design a stronger, more effective early childhood system that is respectful of their voices and responsive to their needs. We are empowering parents as leaders both in and outside their roles as parents and co-creating programs and supports that will best serve their families.

Key Initiatives

Parenting is Hard.
Let Us Be Your Partners.
The ECA’s Parent Partners help parents and caregivers connect to community-based early childhood supports and ensure their children are developing on track. They can:
• Offer parenting and early learning tips/suggestions
• Connect parents to early childhood services and supports
• Connect parents to basic needs (formula, diapers, food)
• Help parents monitor their child’s development
• Help parents find child care and apply for assistance
Parent Advisory Council
In 2021, the ECA launched our Parent Advisory Council, offering parents the opportunity to serve in a leadership role and advise the ECA on our strategies and system-building efforts. At the Council’s monthly meetings, participants share their parenting experience and expertise and help shape our efforts to engage and support all parents in our community. Current members include: